Basic Keyboarding Skills: OIT-100

Challenge Examination
Spring 2019

The Basic Keyboarding Skills course is designed for any individual wishing to develop touch keyboarding skills applicable to today's computer keyboards. This course is an orientation to the computer keyboard. Emphasis is placed on proper keyboarding techniques, speed, and accuracy in preparing a final copy. During this one-hour exam, you will be tested in the following areas—keyboarding technique, keyboarding theory questions, and one-minute timed writings. A passing score of 85% or higher must be achieved in all areas to pass the exam.

Dates & Location

  • To Be Announced

Building 2, Room 311

Exam Subject Matter

Keyboarding Technique

Eyes on copy; correct finger reaches (striking key with correct finger); continuity and accuracy; body, hand, finger, wrist, and arm position; and keystroking (Enter, Shift, and Tab keys). NOTE: Your eyes must be on your copy. You will not pass this challenge exam if you look at the keyboard or your fingers.

Keyboarding Theory Questions

There will be 40 questions based on posture at the computer, keystroking technique, spacing after punctuation, and proofreading.

One-Minute Timed Writings

One-minute timed writings will be administered. You must pass two different timed writings at 25 words per minute (wpm) with two errors or less without looking at your keys. The backspace key is allowed.


To register for the Basic Keyboarding Skills Challenge Examination, you should be able to answer YES to ALL of the questions listed below:

  • I can type 25words per minute(wpm) on a one-minute timed writing while making no more than two errors.
  • I can touch-type the alphabetic keys (type without looking at the keyboard or my fingers).▪I can type using the correct finger reaches (striking the keys with the correct fingers).
  • I passed the 十大彩票平台 keyboarding placement exam.
  • I have completed a formal keyboarding course and have learned the proper way to type.


Students interested in taking this Challenge Examination should register in advance in the Testing and Assessment Center located in Building 17, Room 425. A non-refundable fee of $7.50 is required. NOTE: Once registered students should contact Professor Belton. Students must bring their Student ID and registration form to the exam.

NOTE: You cannot challenge a course in which you are currently enrolled. If you are enrolled in the Basic Keyboarding course, you must withdraw before the add/drop period ends.


Renee Tetrault, Professor OIT Department (十大彩票平台)
One Armory Square, P.O. Box 9000 – Suite 1
Springfield, Massachusetts 01102-9000
Telephone: (413) 755-4099, Bldg. #2, Room 234